Debugging console

You are in the debugging console Вы находитесь в отладочной консоли You can see what intentions are created and how you can connect to any of them. In order to communicate console, you need open it in browser that support SpeechRecognition, for example Chrome.

Creating application

  • You need NodeJS
  • Create a project in your favorite IDE with one file main.js
  • Run npm init in project directory to create package.json npm init
  • Run npm i intention-storage to install intention-storage package npm i intention-storage

Add the following code into main.js

const { IntentionStorage } = require('intention-storage');
const intentionStorage = new IntentionStorage();
const storageServer = intentionStorage.createServer({ address: 'localhost' });
console.log(`Server listens on port ${storageServer.port}`);

Run project for execution

node main.js

If all works fine, you should see a record in console "Server listens on port 10010"
10010 - it's default port for all intention storages.

The console need to know at least one server from your infrastructure.

  • Open in browser with SpeechRecognition support. Chrome for example
  • Enable your microphone for the console domain
  • Speak into the microphone

    Add storage localhost

    If all works fine, you will move to the Storage tab and see the record

    localhost:10010 online

Now you can create intention in your project and console will see it in Intention tab
